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- /* ClassAct Inter-Connection Notification Example
- */
- #include <clib/macros.h>
- #include <clib/alib_protos.h>
- #include <libraries/gadtools.h>
- #include <intuition/icclass.h>
- #include <proto/exec.h>
- #include <proto/dos.h>
- #include <proto/utility.h>
- #include <proto/graphics.h>
- #include <proto/intuition.h>
- #include <stdio.h>
- #include <stdlib.h>
- #include <string.h>
- #include <classact.h>
- #include <classact_author.h>
- #define ID_BUTTON 1
- #define ID_FOREGROUND 2
- #define ID_BACKGROUND 3
- struct ClassLibrary *WindowBase;
- struct ClassLibrary *LayoutBase;
- struct ClassLibrary *LabelBase;
- struct ClassLibrary *ButtonBase;
- struct ClassLibrary *PaletteBase;
- int main( int argc, char *argv[] )
- {
- struct Window *window;
- Object *But_Object;
- Object *Win_Object;
- /* Palette Color To Button ForeGround mapping.
- */
- struct TagItem MapFG2Button[] =
- {
- PALETTE_Color, BUTTON_TextPen,
- };
- /* Palette Color To Button BackGround mapping.
- */
- struct TagItem MapBG2Button[] =
- {
- PALETTE_Color, BUTTON_BackgroundPen,
- };
- /* Open the classes - typically not required to be done manually.
- * SAS/C or DICE AutoInit can do this for you if linked with the
- * supplied classact.lib
- */
- WindowBase = (struct ClassLibrary *)OpenLibrary("window.class",0L);
- LayoutBase = (struct ClassLibrary *)OpenLibrary("gadgets/layout.gadget",0L);
- ButtonBase = (struct ClassLibrary *)OpenLibrary("gadgets/button.gadget",0L);
- PaletteBase = (struct ClassLibrary *)OpenLibrary("gadgets/palette.gadget",0L);
- LabelBase = (struct ClassLibrary *)OpenLibrary("images/label.image",0L);
- if(WindowBase && LayoutBase && ButtonBase && PaletteBase && LabelBase)
- {
- /* Create the window object.
- */
- Win_Object = WindowObject,
- WA_ScreenTitle, "ClassAct Copyright 1995, Phantom Development LLC.",
- WA_Title, "ClassAct Example",
- WA_SizeGadget, TRUE,
- WA_Left, 40,
- WA_Top, 30,
- WA_DepthGadget, TRUE,
- WA_DragBar, TRUE,
- WA_CloseGadget, TRUE,
- WA_Activate, TRUE,
- WA_SmartRefresh, TRUE,
- WINDOW_ParentGroup, VLayoutObject,
- LAYOUT_SpaceOuter, TRUE,
- LAYOUT_DeferLayout, TRUE,
- LAYOUT_BevelStyle, GroupFrame,
- LAYOUT_Label, "InterConnection",
- StartMember, But_Object = ButtonObject,
- GA_Text, "_Inter-Connection Example",
- EndMember,
- CHILD_WeightedHeight, 0,
- StartMember, HLayoutObject,
- LAYOUT_SpaceOuter, FALSE,
- StartMember, PaletteObject,
- PALETTE_NumColors, 8,
- PALETTE_Color, 1,
- ICA_TARGET, But_Object, /* object to connect to */
- ICA_MAP, MapFG2Button, /* tag mapping array */
- EndMember,
- CHILD_Label, LabelObject, LABEL_Text, "_ForeGround", LabelEnd,
- CHILD_MinWidth, 90,
- CHILD_MinHeight, 20,
- StartMember, PaletteObject,
- PALETTE_NumColors, 8,
- PALETTE_Color, 0,
- ICA_TARGET, But_Object, /* object to connect to */
- ICA_MAP, MapBG2Button, /* tag mapping array */
- EndMember,
- CHILD_Label, LabelObject, LABEL_Text, "_BackGround", LabelEnd,
- CHILD_MinWidth, 90,
- CHILD_MinHeight, 20,
- EndMember,
- EndMember,
- EndWindow;
- /* Object creation sucessful?
- */
- if( Win_Object )
- {
- /* Open the window.
- */
- if( window = (struct Window *) CA_OpenWindow(Win_Object) )
- {
- ULONG wait, signal, result, done = FALSE;
- WORD Code;
- /* Obtain the window wait signal mask.
- */
- GetAttr( WINDOW_SigMask, Win_Object, &signal );
- /* Input Event Loop
- */
- while( !done )
- {
- wait = Wait(signal|SIGBREAKF_CTRL_C);
- if (wait & SIGBREAKF_CTRL_C) done = TRUE;
- else
- while ((result = CA_HandleInput(Win_Object,&Code)) != WMHI_LASTMSG)
- {
- switch (result & WMHI_CLASSMASK)
- {
- done = TRUE;
- break;
- switch(result & WMHI_GADGETMASK)
- {
- case ID_BUTTON:
- break;
- }
- break;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- /* Disposing of the window object will
- * also close the window if it is
- * already opened and it will dispose of
- * all objects attached to it.
- */
- DisposeObject( Win_Object );
- }
- }
- /* Close the classes.
- */
- if (LabelBase) CloseLibrary( (struct Library *)LabelBase );
- if (PaletteBase) CloseLibrary( (struct Library *)PaletteBase );
- if (ButtonBase) CloseLibrary( (struct Library *)ButtonBase );
- if (LayoutBase) CloseLibrary( (struct Library *)LayoutBase );
- if (WindowBase) CloseLibrary( (struct Library *)WindowBase );
- }
- #ifdef _DCC
- int wbmain( struct WBStartup *wbs )
- {
- return( main( 0, NULL ));
- }
- #endif